Exhibition underlining LGBTQ Pride and Diversity Month at Red Dot Art Gallery

Artist Judith Romero


Throughout this investigation, I created various processes through the series “Biodesnudez”, where the sensual and sensitive exploration of the body come together with the Mexican biodiversity. Plant species, fragile, sensitive and luminous, are portraited alike the body inhabited by our desires. The intention is to intertwine endemic and endangered plants with textures of skin weaving them in a space of intimacy.

Judith Romero

Project Description:

Artworks of series Biodesnudez (Bionudity)

Flor de mazorca (Cornflower)

Musa Paradisiaca (Paradisical Muse) #1

Musa Paradisiaca (Paradisical Muse) #2

Judith Romero is considered a photographer and editorial designer. She lives and works in Oaxaca, Mexico. She carries out documentary photography projects, focusing on contemporary and social themes with a gender perspective. She has also explored aspects linked to the body, identities and the (political) decisions that women assume in the face of social mandates. She develops research in indigenous, Afro-Mexican and mestizo communities, based on visual documentation. For 8 years, she coordinated the “Resplandor” photography gallery, promoting Latin American photography.

Her work has obtained the recognition as a Finalist in the  "Beyond silence" by Magnum Photos and San Agustín Arts Center (CaSa); Poy Latam Ibero-American Award in “Long-term Projects”; Scholarship from the Program for the Promotion of Cultural Projects and Co-investments; “Out of Focus” Award. Photography and Human Rights” by the Image Center and the Human Rights Directorate of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico.

She has exhibited individually in Mexico, Chile, Slovenia and Poland. Her artwork is part of the collection at the PICS (Contemporary Images Platform of the Image Center), the MUMA (Museum of Mexican Women Artists), and Women Photographs.

About Judith Romero